Summer update: Back to work!

Things have been uncertain these past couple years during the pandemic. We have mustered on hopefully each year. This year we are hoping to move forward with excavations in July. These will be our first excavations following 2 years of archival and museum work and 3 years of geophysical survey. We are excited! For those of you who follow our project keep your fingers crossed for the LULP team!

Thanks to help from donors LULP was able to hire a student research assistant to work on some legacy data (i.e. old artefacts dug up during earlier excavations). Our research assistant, Zoe Yamada Stave, started to compile a single database that will allow us to record and study the vast array of artefacts that have been excavated from Libarna over the past two decades.

A locking mechanism from a door or chest found at Libarna in the early or mid 20th century. Housed in the Museo della Antichità (part of the Musei Reali) in Turin. Many thanks to the museum!

If you haven’t had a chance to read Zoe’s fantastic post about the environmental context of Libarna, it’s a great read! We published it here on this blog at the beginning of summer.

If you have a little money to spare to help us out with costs for excavations, please check out our Ko-Fi page to donate:

ALL donations go towards the work at Libarna.

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